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Good Day's Work

Anhydrous Ammonia

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Course Content Summary

Among all the safety hazards common in agriculture, clearly one of the most dangerous is the handling of anhydrous ammonia. As vital as this chemical can be in a soil-fertility program, it poses a serious threat to life and livelihood, if mishandled.

This Good Day’s Work training course starts with a quick breakdown of what anhydrous ammonia is, the risk any exposure presents, and training on everything from jobsite preparedness to accident response. Training includes equipment inspection and maintenance, proper filling and transportation of the nurse tank, followed by information on making connections and performing field applications. Finally, it covers what to do if skin, eye or lung exposure occurs.

Who Should Take This Course?

Everyone within your operation who handles or comes in contact with anhydrous ammonia or supervises anyone who handles anhydrous ammonia should take this course annually.

What Your Will Learn


What Is Anhydrous Ammonia?

Preparing to Use Anhydrous Ammonia

Equipment Inspection
-Quick-Connect Valves
-Water Tanks
-Break-away Couplers
-Applicator Knives

Personal Protection Equipment

Filling and Transporting Nurse Tank

Safe Field Application

Accident Response
-Skin exposure
-Eye exposure
-Lung exposure

Content Recap


10-Question Test

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Course Quick-Look

  • Click Here For Pricing Information
  • Duration: Approximately 28 minutes
  • OSHA standard: 1910.111
  • OSHA-compliance status: Specialized Training Course | Recommended for all employees who handle or come in contact with anhydrous ammonia or supervise anyone who handles anhydrous ammonia. Annual training recommended.
  • Downloadable content: Yes

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