Good Day's Work

Primary vs. Specialized: What’s the Difference?

Good Day’s Work safety training falls under two categories, but all training material is applied specifically to the agricultural work-place.

1. Primary Safety Training—

These topics are more universal across all workplaces (ex. ladder safety, personal-protection equipment, etc.) and, under OSHA regulations, are required annual training for all employees, no matter what tasks they perform on the job. You will want all of your employees registered for these classes every year as a fundamental step to maintaining OSHA compliance.

2. Specialized Safety Training—

As the name indicates, these topics cover required annual training for more specialized tasks in your operation—tasks not necessarily performed by every employee, such as forklift safety, metal welding, and so on. This category also includes required training for grain-bin safety, livestock handling and other tasks completely unique to agriculture. For any given specialized task, to maintain OSHA compliance, you’ll want all employees who perform that task registered for class every year.