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Good Day's Work

First Aid (Basic)

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Course Content Summary

Before any employee steps foot on a farm, knowing basic first aid is a key component to farm safety. As you already know, a farm is one of the most dangerous workplaces in existence.

When a serious injury occurs, you need to be able to think and act quickly. On a farm operation, where medical assistance may be miles away, every second counts. Being confident in basic first-aid skills could be the difference between life and death for you or a co-worker.

This class combines content that is highly practical, both in the field and in your record books, as you strive to keep your people safe and your agribusiness OSHA compliant.

Who Should Take This Course?

For optimum OSHA compliance:

What You Will Learn


Identifying Medical Emergencies

Assistance with First Aid

First Aid Kits

Checking the “ABCs”

Preventing Conditions from Getting Worse

Addressing Medical Emergencies Including:
-Heavy Bleeding
-Severed Limbs
-Anaphylactic Shock
-Heart Failure
-Electric Shock
-Eye Injuries
-Chemical Exposure
-Broken Bones
-Heat Exhaustion
-Heat Stroke

Content Recap


5-Question Test

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