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Good Day's Work


A Farm safety Tool
May 19, 2021
Consider this safety tool when addressing a task or chore. Here’s a simple safety tool to consider before addressing a task or a chore to be done. This could be a good topic to discuss at your next meeting. Each statement can have a specific reference to tasks you do in your operation. My two […]

Grain Quality Equates to Grain Bin Safety
November 25, 2020
Working in and around grain bins exposes farmers and workers to serious hazards, including grain bin entrapment and engulfment. Despite more grain safety awareness, farmers continue to be at more risk due to more on-farm storage, farmers hanging onto their grain longer, and having larger unloading mechanisms that can entrap or engulf someone more quickly. […]

Safety pays.

The data is undeniable

Countless independent studies of the American workplace reveal that, when it comes to investing in employee safety training, it’s not only about saving lives or reducing injuries. It’s about improving your productivity and profitability.

Savings otherwise lost to workers’ compensation claims, property damage, potential litigation, insurance premium increases, and training of replacement employees—not to mention possible regulatory fines under OSHA—all combine with proven increases in labor efficiency to add more money to your bottom line.

Good Day’s Work pays even more

According to a 2012 report issued by the American Society of Training and Development, American industry’s average annual per-employee spent on safety training is $1,192—with much of that attributed to conventional means of bringing safety consultants or full-time specialists on site.

With Good Day’s Work, you can maintain a comprehensive safety-training program completely online—from class instruction to compliance reporting— savings as much as 30% or more against the national average. Plus, Good Day’s Work is the only training program of its kind that is ag specific.
